2024 MBMA Student Design Competition is Now Open
The Metal Building Manufacturers Association (MBMA) 2024 Student Design Competition is now open for entries. This year’s contest asks architecture students to create an innovative metal building design for a new campus recreation center and sports complex that will serve the student population. More than $30,000 in prizes will be awarded to entrants in graduate and undergraduate divisions. Individual students or teams interested in this opportunity can register at www.mbmaeducation.org with submissions due by January 6, 2025.
Registration is free to full-time graduate and undergraduate students, but all entrants are required to have a faculty sponsor. “Now in its fourth year, the competition has continued to grow each year and introduce metal building systems to students across the country and North America,” says W. Lee Shoemaker, Ph.D., PE, MBMA director of research and engineering and contest organizer. “This year’s topic is a popular one that should draw in even more competitors. Metal building systems offer an enormous range of possibilities and are in particular demand for sports and recreation facilities.”
Robert Kobet advised the Kent State team in that took home first prize in the 2022 competition and is an adjunct professor in Kent State’s College of Architecture & Environmental Design. Of the competition experience he says: “I am amazed about how much my students learned about putting together any building (structure, skin, mechanicals, etc.) because of this competition.” He adds, “It was the right size, the right program and the right time. And the MBMA team was so helpful in providing introductions, resources and webinars.”
A total of six prizes will be given and awards will be divided between the students and faculty sponsors. Teams may also enter, and prizes will be divided and distributed equally to each member of a registered team. Contest winners will be announced on Feb. 25, 2025. Additionally, honorable mention awards may be given at the judges' discretion.
Further details about design parameters, judging criteria and submission requirements are available at www.mbmaeducation.org. Also, questions can be addressed to Lee Shoemaker at mbma@mbma.com.